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日期:02-02    来源:蓝色理想|    作者:

  写在前面:我在写 Web2.0的视觉风格进化论 的后续文章的过程中,发现了这篇文章。为了使大家快速的接轨全球设计风尚,我决定翻译这篇文章,我介绍相关的内容越多,我就可以在进化论里面少写一些废话。

2007 Logo Design Trends


11 trends that will define Logo design in 2007

Everyone wants to set the curve when it comes to style. No one wants to design out of a book of trends, but nevertheless, they emerge.
Take a peek at the following 11 Logo design trends that we think will define the look of 2007.




1. Talk Boxes

This is an outgrowth of last year's trend, even though these boxes have been around a few years now.
We don't quite know who's doing the talking, but whoever it is, their bubble is popping up all over. This Logo symbolizes communication, whether it be from the company or between its customers. LifeLogger, for instance, uses a speech bubble with a smile in it to illustrate how users can communicate through them to friends. They continue the use of three-dimensional speech bubbles in creating avatars for their users, as illustrated to the right.
In this way, the idea of communication represents the person themselves, showing the importance of contact.

1. 对话泡泡

我们搞不懂是谁在说话,但管它是谁呢,反正满处都是冒的这些泡泡。这个符号象征着沟通,无论是来自企业还是他们的客户之间。LifeLogger(生活的记录者)网站,是一个例证,用泡泡和微笑符号来说话,表明用户可以用什么样的方式和他们的朋友来交流。 他们继续使用立体的对话泡泡来为用户创造神话,就像右边那个泡泡。

2. Clouds

Everyone remembers a time when they laid on their back in the grass, staring at the clouds daydreaming or finding images in their puffs.
Clouds are a powerful Logo, conjuring imagery of dreams, creativity and playfulness. Sometimes clouds are combined with thought bubbles to invoke feelings of dreaminess. The clouds can be a 3D bubble or take on a flat feeling. Many of these cloud Logos represent new ideas, hence the thought bubble. Many "clouds" came from new businesses on the internet, certainly a place for dreamers. Some, also include imagery of the sun, which evokes a feeling of a new dawn.

2. 云状物


3. Reflections

Mirror, mirror, on the wall, what's the hottest trend of all? It might just be reflections. With Apple leading the way, looking like all their graphics were set on a shiny table, others are sure to follow. Dubbed by some as ?the new drop shadow,? reflections are taking over, especially on the web. The reflections might be skewed, such as in the Logo for blinklist, indicating the location of some light source, invisible to the onlooker, but effective in creating even more of a sense of a whole different world the Logo is in.

3. 反射效果(镜像效果)

魔镜魔镜告诉我,什么是最热的潮流啊? 它可能就是“反射效果”。苹果最先开始倡导的,把什么东西都弄得好像放在光滑闪亮的桌面上,其他人就开始跟风。有人给它起了个绰号叫什么来着?“新的下拉阴影”(意思和以前的“下拉阴影”效果一样满天飞)。 “反射效果”全面霸占,尤其是在网上。反射效果可以是不对称的,就像 blinklist 的Logo一样,弄出一些光的效果却让你找不到光源,但对于创造拥有更多“完全不同的世界”感觉的Logo是有效而时尚的。

4. Rectangle

In a graphic world where you can do nearly anything, some companies are keeping it simple with shaded rectangles. Their Logo, in a contrasting white, pops out from the background. Shadow boxes have historically been a sign of amateurish design, but this new generation of effective Logos has shown that good design will always be in style. With the popularity of rounded corners, these Logos stand out with (oh no!) sharp edges and right angles. In some occasions, such as with the blurb Logo, the rectangle can represent an image. Blurb used their blue shadow behind their name to symbolize a book, as they are in the book publishing business.

4. 长方形

在图形世界里,你几乎可以做任何事情,但有些公司只使用简单的带边框的长方形。他们的Logo,从高反差的白色背景上“跳”出来。相框一样的长方形容易给人“业余设计水平”的感觉,但是新生的有活力的这些Logo,表明了好的设计永远都是有品味的。与人气极旺的圆角风格同时,这些Logo因有着锐利的边缘和适当的倾斜角度而特别显眼(不是吧!)。在某些场合,就像 Blurb的Logo,长方形可以用于扮演一个形象。Blurb 用蓝色的图形放在名字后面来代表一本书,因为他们做的是图书出版业务。