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日期:07-09    来源:中国设计秀    作者:cnwebshow.com


All the most attention-grabbing landing pages are the ones that make ample use of white space, allowing simple, evocative images, text and videos to speak for themselves. If you go with text as your main element, make sure to choose the perfect typography with a primary statement that is provocative and interesting. If you use photos, make sure to choose beautiful, arresting images that command attention and are a perfect fit for your subject. Or if you decide to use illustrations, take care that the style and subject matter are the right fit for your target demographic. Also, if you’re designing your vectors off of sketches, make sure to refer to this tutorial on how to vectorize your hand drawings.vhD中国设计秀

Probably one of the most important elements for web design though, is the color that you choose. When beginning your design make sure to browse the web for ideas such as these pantone color inspiration designs.vhD中国设计秀

13. Captain Dash


20 Simple and Beautiful Landing Pages
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