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Joomla 1.5版本建设网站教程全攻略

日期:09-05    来源:中国设计秀    作者:cnwebshow.com


After having a clean Joomla 1.5 installed (without sample data) we can begin adding our content. In this example we assume the domain we use is your_domain_name.com and Joomla's admin panel is at: http://your_domain_name.com/administratorqi8中国设计秀

 Please, make sure to change your_domain_name.com to the real domain name of your website, when following this tutorial.qi8中国设计秀

Please, enter your login information in the Joomla! Administration Login screen:qi8中国设计秀


Below we will see how to create two simple web pages in Joomla - About us and Our services. Content in Joomla is organized into Sections, Categories and Articles. The Section is the top level of content structure, the Category is the sublevel of the Sections, and Articles are where the actual content of the web pages resides. Below we will create one "General" Section, one "General" Category and two Articles.qi8中国设计秀

Joomla教程 - 建立SectionThe Section has to be created from menu Content -> Section manager:qi8中国设计秀


In order to add a new section, we click on the button [New] from the top right menu.qi8中国设计秀

 Make sure to remember the position of the [New] button as it is always used for adding new content / features in Joomla:qi8中国设计秀


In the next screen we fill the Section's name: General. The rest of the fields are optional. Once we complete this step it must be saved with the button [Save] from the top-right menu.qi8中国设计秀

 [Save] is another essential button to remember.qi8中国设计秀


Joomla教程 - 建立分类After that we will add the "General" Category to it. This can be done from the top menu, Content -> Category manager:qi8中国设计秀


Again we click on the [New] button to add the new category. Next we specify the category name which is "General". Once we are done, we save the progress with the [Save] button from the top-right menu.qi8中国设计秀

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