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日期:06-05    来源:|    作者:美国设计师 埃迪R

Creative poster design           

First, the meaning of creative design           

"creative" and the so-called creativity is not as unheard of, and meet the people can fully reflect certain material or emotional needs of ideas or concepts. The most fundamental requirement is, become thrilled with novelty, and strange, surprise, the real, thinking, and plans to accelerate the dissemination of creative graphic information conveyed commodities. Persuade consumers and the general public groups, thereby achieving marketing objectives. Creative design and advertising "is" means the design and planning and design, in order to persuade consumers, a marketing commodity services, consumers are looking for a good approach, good ideas for the creation of a new consumer spending philosophy.

Each product has its specific consumer groups who, in advertising design process must fully understand the structure and needs of these groups. For example, electric toys are to children, to adults is green billiards, a natural food, and delicious, natural perfume is, a good life, love. Identify their characteristics in mind, their needs, their psychological activities. For example : "beer of Wang" winds of creative advertising to Harry center to the psychological needs of consumers for the purpose. The superb photography combined with modern means of a metaphor exaggerated way to small beer cans into an artificial creation than heaven and earth, especially the exceptional quality and momentum. Mountains, the Great Falls, beer cans, one purely natural feeling. Creative, "famous magic, pure natural" is a real psychological needs of consumers, according to create an exaggerated peculiar needs of the visual impact of famous Japanese language and visual image.   Clearly, creativity is unlimited, each product will be one of the most suitable image and disseminate language, creativity from the market, which is the source of creative inspiration, creativity have also read enough early accumulation is possible that the accumulation of wealth, thinking collisions have more spark, the creative opportunities are more and more, This is the accumulation of market survey results, which includes investigating similar products, consumer advice, and through numerous market surveys and feedback to the planning of a variety of design programmes, or the best, the final selection of the best location. Only positioning, advertising content and style and brand image advertising can basically decided. Positioning is innovative, creative must first solve is the key issue. The two positioning :

(1)    Comparative positioning similar products compared appearance, performance, characteristics, focus, style, graphics visual image, market share, market prospects.   (2) whether the emotional positioning products to consumers emotional satisfaction, cultural background, the trend of the times, social customs, consumer psychology, correlation point, with consumers psychological activities, causing resonance.   Through the collection of information aggregation study published last set face, color, and graphic design style of performance, time and publicity focused on the stringent market survey appeared more creative methods trouble, because advertising is not only as art -- art, but in marketing for the ultimate purpose of So advertising must be designed around the characteristics of new products, consumer demand for psychological concept plan, such advertisements can be targeted to the marketing function.

Second, advertising creative expression   While advertising design also need to adopt some artistic methods and means, but the task of designing advertisements in the transmission of information to persuade consumers to promotional merchandise, and advertising creative content and creative arts skills are absolutely not the same, the objective is not advertising creative arts -- target, not the authors subjective feelings of the visual, but to understand things for performance, and create a become thrilled with novelty, and strange, surprise, true to the dissemination of accurate information conveyed to the graphic content of the visual images and language. The goal is to shape consumer personality, psychological activities mood, and create a rare gift graphics very peculiar interest from buyers for the commodity in the minds of consumers impressed by the establishment of a consumer concept.

A successful innovative advertising novel idea enrichment personality performance is the designer must consider. Apart from the novel idea enriched personalized performance, but also the psychological needs and on the basis of consumer acceptance, and consumers to determine the level of graphics performance practices. A realistic approach, contrast, apprehensively, continuous, meaning, and so exaggerated way. Whatever means, graphics must be novel, the classic, easy, easy, easy to remember the strong sense of form and artistic charm, and this is an important factor in the success of advertising posters.

From the fast perspective, the more simple graphic design requirements, the more clear that the better, as long as their content accurate vivid, concise words condensed into one sentence or even one of the word, into a 1,000-Vientiane contrast circular symbols. For its artistic charm moving, the more typical image of the art, the more simple, more concentrated, so it is easier content depth. At the same time convey accurate information in the impressive and beautiful enjoyment.

For example : Colorado fourth international poster exhibition (Czechoslovakia) Luosituoka poster exhibition of works, using reverse thinking is shared by analogy, the "love" and "interactive" Wu into a circular symbols, concise, poster exhibition highlighting relationship with readers, to a depth of the subject content. In some current advertising companies in the design of the people, not from a macro and overall, the development of ideas with, not on the basis of consumer psychological activities and needs to become thrilled with novelty, and strange, surprise, the real thoughtful, systematic innovation, but a design commissioned, found a people on stage have advertisements for imitation, the results from commodities, plants with different, unique characters, color, style, often ask, How can arouse such advertising sight of the attention and interest? Not only can not achieve the dissemination of advertising publicity, but also create a lot of human, material, financial and time waste. A good advertising creative graphic language, whether written or language is the most basic requirement in the advertisement of what you say and how to say, where, Dr scene, Dr time, to say, through market research analysis to determine the theme to be creative, and choose the best performance of the unique ways and means to achieve an accurate dissemination of information to relay.

I often employ assistants in the first time, there is no obstacle is my first computer, which will be basic stance. I have seen many considered to be proficient in computer designers since, but I found them when I talked about technology from readily planted bombs to their work, the self-confidence of these designers will no doubt send their bosses do not understand computers to give way. Of course, every day I asked my design assistants do not rely on computer, it does not contradictory. That can not rely on not understand it, after all, in our work, from design to print each individual process needs computer help. Today at this issue as the artist does not use a pen reason is the same.

Secondly, the lack of knowledge of the printing hampered the development of many graphic designers. Because of ignorance, many designers believe that their design is the same computer screen, which is very dangerous, because technical reasons, and it is the actual effect of greater output gap. Not familiar with the characteristics and printing error, many designers do the design in time to print constantly look for trouble and obstacles, it is stupid. Graphic designers need to understand the many printing knowledge, for example the performance of various brands printers, the same type of performance of different specifications, different brand ink performance, with the four-colour ink color ink characteristics, different brands, specifications, varieties of paper performance, special crafts, late processing and binding, etc., These are designers doing design for the needs of customers consider. Then, how the computers have a printing process, it can be called a graphic designer? Possible bribes, and after all the above said, "design" has no direct correlation. On the graphic design, there are many features of the law, for which I interest even more.

A, two grievances      Over the past 20 years, I have had many lucky things. For example, in the beginning I eat rice bowl, occasionally bought any stand sits in a pile of books, "Time" magazine, which is always makes me feel excited memories. When I was being dazzled 5 and 3 would result in the design, without division from the pile of old magazines I met eyes, a broad vision. A careful reading of Time magazine, all the graphic design skills which will include, but without thinking, gentle and elegant, providing a lot of change for the copy room. I understand a lot of graphic design from the pile of old magazines.

"graphic grievances" I graphic design images of the effect of the understanding, many people see it as normal, composition, structure, form sense : all OK, I like the words were simple. Read a lot of good design, I feel architects are intentionally or unintentionally pursuit of the "whole" effect. Namely, the use of various graphic elements in the graphic materials (such as paper, etc.) to stretch the visual space. This theory, which began 100 years painter Cezanne morning we tried, and has achieved a perfection. I am feeling 100 years ago is the cause of panic least commercial art changes, but 100 years after the graphic arts into a single business, and more interesting.

This extends the concept of space and natural space feel contradictions space feelings. With the loving designers, layout requirements, visual impact demand, freedom of choice. Many people are now without a fuss, but both display natural space feelings, or feelings of contradictions space, designers used skills (or that element) is a regular. They are grouped together to host. For example : Under; Exaggerated shadow effects; Authenticity and the use of extremely powerful images; Physical elements and painting elements contrast; The contrast between the effects of the use of color; Use of line and color effects of the location; Using language and graphics, text and the letter of the location results; Relationship between the size of the text contrast, and so on. Because of limited space, not for small - and the future will work with the example of the comparison between the theoretical language, too.

B, colors, music   Color graphic works is the soul. Want to use it must know some good paper and ink knowledge. Different paper with different ink combinations will produce entirely different results. However, the distinction between us and the artists are : Graphic designers paint the hands of only four children, but it can rely on networks of differing characteristics, all we can reconcile the perceived colour. This is really a miraculous invention, as a nation we are grateful to the technology of printing original German. Networks and the use of paper (white) in that we can let ink appeared to be more homogeneous, bright and clean. But this is only a technical matter, the work of designer colors in the design but also more dependent on the use of intelligence.

I often hope that the designer friends who can learn some music, this is not a trick, using music theory is really simple straightforward explanation color, and this is my discovery.      A. First know music know, no musical instruments in a fixed tone, the note "garrulous" With the transfer of changing the location of different mode convey different sentiments, suitable for the different instruments and voices. This is the reason we use them is the same, the whole tone and mood of the picture is conveyed through images of the color of changes in temperature. But from our minds the color changes in temperature relationship is fixed. Warm red, blue Pianleng. This is a wrong concept.

Like note, the changes in colour with the surrounding environment conversion of the transfer of (changes in temperature relations). Understand this truth, we can be up into the blue warm appearance. Screen because the relationship has been used to colour graphic designers to literary style names, such as visual, Qunqing, Hula and replaced by a simpler, more direct four figures. This is very good, or is consistent with the commercial era of the digital era, is a mechanical requirements. Transfer of technology for color graphic designers began to understand the training.

B. Secondly chord and melody concept in graphic design applications playing musical instruments friend knows another reason, Indifferent which sound good and hard, note must be placed together, can we call music, or "garrulous", "garrulous", "garrulous" always on the future must be noise, "garrulous", "You" and "whiz" together to become a chord "C". This is like the mix of colors, red, blue, always harmonious. Chord can continue to add new floors note, for example, plus a "to" the emotional chord immediately changed into a 7 chord. If "buying" into decline, "You" is a very funny going to go, just like in the mix red blue, purple or opposition suddenly gives visual feel is different. Chord has been added to note account as 9 chord, 13 chord : : in color, can be compared to that of our regular senior grey.

Understand this truth, we will understand more directly on the use of colour should be. These should provide the basis for portfolio chord C, D, E, F :, one of the most original mix, designers think changing, changes in the mix of it. No problem you must colour together, as "Fat" and "Greek 'no one who is near between No problem, your picture will dull; If you must hostile colours together, will be associate ugly. Use logic to understand chord colors, you will immediately jump out color poor mistake, found immediate availability of colour in fact too beautiful. reasonable mix of color combinations to the visual images of space continually stretch to picture not only beautifully and strong, and this is the role of color chord.

But just as music can have a chord? Wrong, also need to play music, no music without sounding melodies. Then, what one works melody, it is our eyes watching a work process. A poster making, a brochure making, the existence of one to see what, and then see what most people see what needs to remember what aftertaste what. These works constitute a horizontal melody for the audience's eyes when tension when rest, the final stop where it is most needed to move the brain designers consider.      C. Rhythm on my recommendation, since a long time, my design assistants has been concluded, record a wide range of color combinations.

From the famous works, from the design of all nationalities, from the natural features, and then the actual work we use these colours. For instance, we as "good Lunge" pizza shop in a small fold-out color used that group is found in vegetables and fruits Lane. Because we need a set of people watched on hunger colour. But the problem quickly to the many good works we have summed up the colour combination of design, through the use of after we changed, not a god child, this is why? Let us really worried a while.

We initially thought it was a record in colour, matching the colours are accurate and then later many times experiments do not succeed, but fortunately doubts for a long time or let us find out why. Original colors and the use of music, rhythm, proportion of the needs that many good colors portfolio also need a reasonable proportion of color control in specific conditions of a particular colour must use large area, a colour is small, some simply to ventilate certain is to pressure Shen, and goes I have no confidence in the continued search for law, is volatile. But certainly the need for a two-dimensional works must control the tempo, control the tempo of many elements, which is commonly used in colour, pictures and the letter sequencing. Just like the one at the beginning of the article said, we have been looking for an answer to no law, precisely because there is no law, graphic design before it interesting and challenging and stimulating. Numerous opportunities are born in disorderly.