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function tablecollapse()
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<table summary="CDs I listened to recently" class="footcollapse">
 <caption>My recent CDs</caption>
   <td colspan="2">5 CDs</td>
   <th>Front 242</th>
   <td>Front By Front</td>
   <td>Quite OK</td>
  <tr class="odd">
   <th>Miss Kittin</th>
   <td>good buy</td>
   <th>Die Fantastischen Vier</th>
   <td>Nice comeback</td>
  <tr class="odd">
   <th>Nine Inch Nails</th>
   <td>With Teeth</td>
   <td>Oh yes, finally a new one</td>
   <td>Bleed like me</td>
   <td>Needs more listening</td>

<table summary="DVDs I watched recently" class="footcollapse">
 <caption>My recent DVDs</caption>
   <td>5 DVDs</td>
   <th>Star Trek TNG Season 7</th>
   <td>They lost it</td>
  <tr class="odd">
   <th>Big Fish</th>
   <td>Wonderful Tale</td>
   <td>I want my time back!</td>
  <tr class="odd">
   <th>Hot Shots</th>
   <td>Always worth it</td>
   <th>The Party</th>
   <td>A shame there is not more Sellers</td>


投稿 】【对本文进行评论】 【字体: 】【发布于2007-06-20 17:16】


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